Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm such a bad blogger! Bad, megan! its going to be in color but as its nearing the end of the semester things are a bit... crazy and I bit off more than I could chew with the massive inking. So to show I'm not entirely a flake I have the black and white part done:  Black Annis!!! Man I love this myth.  This is an Irish (?) myth that says black agnes (annis) is this super creepy creature that looks like an old hag but has a blue face and iron claws on her hands.  She snatches children and lambs in which then she skins (the lamb, I guess) them and wears them as a belt.  I think she just eats the kiddies.  This is the type of creature parents tell their unfortunate kiddies to behave or 'Black Annis will get you'.  One has to wonder about the effectiveness of terrifying your children into obedience.

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